I had to run back to the flirty blog to grab the pictures that my wonderful partner Sharla took before sending these, I had to admit I secretly hoped that was mine and when it was I about fell over. I love the pink, I love the flowers, I am delighted with my package. She was kind enough to send me a fabulous movie 13 going on 30 the fun and flirty version, and the little matching washcloth is adorable. I cannot wait to use it, its so pretty I am scared to put it on. I also plan to make those wonderful soft pineapple cookies tomorrow for my kiddos and I shall don my new apron while doing so.. A big thank you to Sharla.. Hugs Kimmie
I just found out that my lovely swap partner has received her package and I am happy to report that she loved my apron. It was rather hard to find fabric or linens that would do so I bought something new and found a cute vintage pattern. It turned out so cute that I almost wanted to keep it for myself but snapping out of being selfish it made its way to Ida, OK where I am happy to know it has a home.. :) I cannot wait for the next swap as I plan to make more aprons, I have found that I love them, I never used one before my sister made me one for my birthday last year and it has quickly became part of my kitchen. I will however only wear ones that are handmade, I love lost arts and handmade items are a treasure to me.
Jesus rocks my world. He is the rock on which I stand all other ground is sinking sand. I have been blessed with a amazing family and fantastic husband who is nothing short of knight hood himself for putting up with me..