I am preparing to take over the next ladies bible study at the chapel. I am very excited for this adventure and look forward to getting in to Gods word as we study who Jesus really is. We will be introducing our selves to the King of Kings. I am still working on the prayer vine and I hope to have it ready by Sunday to pass out, I am trying to encourage prayer and get those who feel led to be a warrior in prayer with me signed up and get this going for our community. I truly feel that prayer is so important and is our free calling card to the most high. I know he answers we just have to call. I am also working on my testimony and have just about finished making all the corrections so that I can share it with the ladies at study and encourage them to write theirs. As Christmas is approaching so fast and the new year will begin before we know it I still have so much I wish to accomplish. I am off to prepare dinner for kids and the hubby. Have a blessed day. until next time.. Kimmie
That is way cool! I bet a study group helps to understand the bible better. I know it helps me at church by studying it together. Do you have a scripture case to keep your bible in?
No I do not have a case just carry it around in my "Bible Bag". I have been going to the study for over a year now and so I am excited that asked me to lead the next one for eight weeks. :)
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