Good Morning,
As you all know I live on a military base. Yesterday was the change of command. For those you un familiar its where we get a new base commander. Commander Olsen and his wife Heather are on to new adventures in Missouri. I wish them the best of luck. I have had the pleasure over the last few weeks to get to know the new in coming commander and his totally awesome family. I had no idea who they were when I introduced myself to them, I was at church and it was greeting time, I was one of the first people to welcome them to our church and to Dugway. Since then I have talked and made friends with his wife Karla, and became a youth leader out here. I have the chance to get to know 2 of their children and they are great boys. I hope their tour here is amazing we have a great community and lots of talent. I hope that they feel at home here and we all have made them feel welcome. It was neat to watch the cannons and guns go off as the out going hands over control to the incoming. I took a few pictures and I am going to try to figure out how to post them. It is pretty amazing and I am super excited.
until next time..
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
I am still getting this figured out.
I am happy to say that I have received 2 Card's from my Secret Pal from the Knit 1 Tea 2 swap. I have to admit that I feel like a kid in a candy store. This has been so far such a fun experience. I have already started shopping for my pal and making their hand made gift. I cannot give away to much info yet as this is supposed to be a surprise right. So on about my day.. The house is peaceful today. the kids are at school and I'm taking full advantage of my freedom to sit here and play on the web. I am searching for fun items and gathering ideas for Christmas, I know its kinda early but I have a big family and have to plan accordingly. I want this Christmas to be as amazing as the last one if not better. It id my favorite holiday and O boy do look forward to it each and every year, Unless I am broke then its depressing so starting early ensures I get the perfect items for my perfect people.
Until Next Time...
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I am so excited I know who my pal is and I cannot wait to spoil you. I even got an e card from my special pal. This is going to be so much fun. I am so looking forward to meting new people and getting goodies from maybe a place I have never been before? I think it being a secret makes it that much more exciting and you never know what your gonna get. I am having a Forest Gump Moment....
On another note my kids made it to school and I so happy for the free time. Its been hard this summer keeping them entertained. We in such a small place with not really a whole lot to do that it really makes it hard to find things that will to appeal to my broad age group of kids. My oldest is 16, Middle is 9, and the youngest is 4. I am currently working on something special for my Hubby, he has been having a hard time at work lately and I want to plan something relaxing and special for him. He is always doing super nice and exciting things for me and I want to pamper him a little bit and let him know how much he means to me. I am getting a special package from him that is coming UPS and I cannot wait to get it. He is so awesome, I have a collection of Ty beanie babies (pluffies) he has been buying for me for the past 2 yrs and I have quite the collection of pets... He always makes it a surprise for me. I get at least 2 a month or every other month depending on our bill situation. I best be off I have a house to clean and lunch to make.
Until next time !!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Back to school..
I trying to get that life... The kids go back to school tomorrow. Dad wants to take Tyler shopping this weekend. I was going to take him today but Dad feels like he has not been a part of things so I am going to let him take Ty. Brayden got to go alone over the weekend on a ride with Dad so its Ty's turn this weekend, and then the next Ashie's. The kids are ready except for Ty's shoes but I am looking forward to having a few free hrs during the day to myself. It will be so nice. But I will miss them to.. Ty is in High School and has some really fun classes this year. Brayden is going in to the 4th grade with mrs. Wyatt. Ashton will start Pre K for half a day this year. They are all looking forward to school. I best be going I have a ton of Laundry and folding to do. I also I am going to make a effort to get the rest of the house clean.
Until Next Time...
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Another Day.... In Dugway
Today was rather un eventful other than I made 2 pratice sock bags and knittied half of a dish cloth that I plan to make in sets as gifts for the up comming holiday season. I cleand me casa a bit and mostly played around with my sewing machine and knitting needles. I did manage to cook dinner for my family and go to the store before it closed. I have still been waiting to hear who my swap partner is, I am so excited to start swapping. I have found a few things already that I hope my swap partner will love as much as I know will becuase I plan to buy two.. I am going to spoil myself as well. Maybe.. :) Well I best be off..Things to see places to be ya know..
Until next time.
Today was rather un eventful other than I made 2 pratice sock bags and knittied half of a dish cloth that I plan to make in sets as gifts for the up comming holiday season. I cleand me casa a bit and mostly played around with my sewing machine and knitting needles. I did manage to cook dinner for my family and go to the store before it closed. I have still been waiting to hear who my swap partner is, I am so excited to start swapping. I have found a few things already that I hope my swap partner will love as much as I know will becuase I plan to buy two.. I am going to spoil myself as well. Maybe.. :) Well I best be off..Things to see places to be ya know..
Until next time.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Kimmie Belongs...
You Belong in Dublin |
![]() |
What'>">What European City Do You Belong In?
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Lost a little more hearing :(
Greetings I am back to my blogging, Its been awhile since I have had the chance to just chat about life and things and stuff. I had a real crap of a day, Late last night my ear that has been giving me problems the ear drum tore open again, It makes me sad. This has been very painful for me and I am really sick of it.I feel like I should own half of wal greens at this point, I have never taken so many pills in my life untill this little problem started. I am going to have to rest as much as I can and try to get my house cleaned in the AM before I get to tired. They think this might be coming from nerve damage due to my car accident. It would not be so bad if it was not so painful when this happens its hard to sleep and lay down but I am a tough cookie and I will get past this I was just bummed out that this was happening again. :(
Sunday, August 12, 2007
My Boys are At camp..
My two oldest boys are at camp I dropped them off yesterday, I miss them already. But I am sure they are having a great time. Its a wonderful christian bible camp and one of the many Grandma's they have is there as a cook, She promised me she would look after my guys and give them some special treatment should they run out snack shack money or just need to talk. Aston, Shawn and I will be going to church with out them this time but they are having a service today for them at camp. I bet it will be amazing to worship in the mountians. I cant wait to hear all about it on thursday when I pick them up. I have almost finished my dish cloth and I am going to make myself a small set of hot pads while I am at it to match the cloth. I am going to have to make contact with bethany so she can show me the new stich again, Arggggggggg I forgot how tp put the yarn. But thats why I am a true beginer. I hope to hear form the tea swap today, I sent another email, With more information of course I forgot to add a bunch of vital info so I am guessin that would be why I have had no responce. Well Friends I am off.
Until Next time..
Until Next time..
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Wondering If I get to tea swap.
I filled out the form and emaild the mod but I have heard nothing I am not sure I am going to be able to get in on this swap. I sure hope so. The kids leave for camp on sat. Im excited for them and me. Peace and Quite.. Horray. I am almost finished with my knitted dish cloth and I hope to have it posted really soon. My son is getting an award at the libaray today for reading min, I am very excited for him today.. Congratz Brayden, Great job reading this summer. School starts on the 22nd, Ashie will go to 4 day pre school so i will have about 3 hrs to myself on the days I dont work, Its going to be so nice. Well I better run and get the kids ready for the party today...
Until Next Time..
Until Next Time..
Monday, August 6, 2007
Tea Swap
Do you like loose tea or bags, or both – something you want to try?
1 - Both Loose and I currently use bags as I need a tea ball strainer.
What is your favorite kind of tea (Brand, flavor, variety, etc)?
2- herbal teas or Jasmine Pearls
Favorite color in regards to tea or one you would like to try? (black, green, red, and white) (keeping in mind that this is how this swap is set up).
3- Maybe some Green or White Honestly I have never tried a black tea so that might be intresting.
Would you say you were a tea pot kind of person or just a hot water heater kind?
4-Hot Water Heater , Dont have a tea pot but I have been looking on line at them..
What tea accessories would you like but have never purchases for yourself?
5-A strainer and my own little tea cup. I would really like a tea ball to try loose tea on my own. Rather than the Tea shops.
How do you prefer to be pampered? (examples: mani/pedi, bubble bath, yummy treat, etc).
6-Bath soaks and salt scrubs. I love oils and think creamy lotions after. Earthy, Natural smells.
If you were a kind of yarn what would you be and why?
7-Fun Fur just becuase its fun. But I like to use hemp and Cottens and of course wools for knitting. I wanna be loved with soft natural fibers, Bamboo ETC...
If you had to knit/crochet baby booties, a fun fur scarf, or a fair isle sweater, which would you choose and why?
8- I would choose a pair of baby botties just becuase they are so cute..
What other event would make you skip a tea party? (A garden party? A book club meeting? A yoga class? Opening night for a new action thriller? etc?)
9- To be with my kids or hubby on a date.
What treat would you consider essential at your tea party? (Sweet? Salty? Scones? Those petite pastry trays with a couple of all sorts of things? Little crust less sandwiches?)
10- Love the little pastry trays with all kinds of goodies. Cute little sugar cubes and a honey pot.
When buying yarn for a project how do you choose - do you buy the one called for or do you substitute?
11- I substiute when I am crocheting, I am new knitter I cannot really say But I want to knit Socks and little Bags. I might learn to sub more as I get better at this.
What do you carry your knitting/crocheting in when on the go?
12- In my old book bag that is now my knitting bag. I really need to invest in a knitting bag.
Favorite movie to watch while knitting/crocheting?
13- My cousin vinny, or something funny I really prefer to listen to music most of the time.
Are you a traditional tea cup kind of person or a mug type of person? Do you care if they match?
14- A mug person I dont own a tea cup. Dont really care if they match as long as they are natural and earthy looking.
Favorite childhood birthday party?
15- my third grade slumber party that I made up myself and my mom had no idea and then there were girls at the house all of sudden. It was short notice but mom pulled off the suprise with ease.
Favorite type of scone and jam?
16- I love all breads so ... I love lemon curd, or Strawberry if its the chunky fruity kind.
If you use candles, what is your favorite scent?
17- I love strong sented candles that I can smell thoughout my whole house and I love insence like nag champa etc... I also like apples and cinnmon, pear, and evergreen type smells.
If you could choose 3 people to have 'tea' with, who would they be and why? (famous or not, living or dead).
18- My Grandmother RIP, My Mom, And a party with all of my sisters. Just to talk and share, I dont get to see my family much but I would sure love to have them all over for tea in honor of Grandma.
You've been invited to a tea party, what 'props' will you wear (formal or casual)?
19- Casual/ Natural and a good pair of crocks or similar thats more me.
Any allergies/preferences you have or are willing to admit to?
20- Cats thats about it.. The dander and the fur.. Sorry cat lovers.
Do you like loose tea or bags, or both – something you want to try?
1 - Both Loose and I currently use bags as I need a tea ball strainer.
What is your favorite kind of tea (Brand, flavor, variety, etc)?
2- herbal teas or Jasmine Pearls
Favorite color in regards to tea or one you would like to try? (black, green, red, and white) (keeping in mind that this is how this swap is set up).
3- Maybe some Green or White Honestly I have never tried a black tea so that might be intresting.
Would you say you were a tea pot kind of person or just a hot water heater kind?
4-Hot Water Heater , Dont have a tea pot but I have been looking on line at them..
What tea accessories would you like but have never purchases for yourself?
5-A strainer and my own little tea cup. I would really like a tea ball to try loose tea on my own. Rather than the Tea shops.
How do you prefer to be pampered? (examples: mani/pedi, bubble bath, yummy treat, etc).
6-Bath soaks and salt scrubs. I love oils and think creamy lotions after. Earthy, Natural smells.
If you were a kind of yarn what would you be and why?
7-Fun Fur just becuase its fun. But I like to use hemp and Cottens and of course wools for knitting. I wanna be loved with soft natural fibers, Bamboo ETC...
If you had to knit/crochet baby booties, a fun fur scarf, or a fair isle sweater, which would you choose and why?
8- I would choose a pair of baby botties just becuase they are so cute..
What other event would make you skip a tea party? (A garden party? A book club meeting? A yoga class? Opening night for a new action thriller? etc?)
9- To be with my kids or hubby on a date.
What treat would you consider essential at your tea party? (Sweet? Salty? Scones? Those petite pastry trays with a couple of all sorts of things? Little crust less sandwiches?)
10- Love the little pastry trays with all kinds of goodies. Cute little sugar cubes and a honey pot.
When buying yarn for a project how do you choose - do you buy the one called for or do you substitute?
11- I substiute when I am crocheting, I am new knitter I cannot really say But I want to knit Socks and little Bags. I might learn to sub more as I get better at this.
What do you carry your knitting/crocheting in when on the go?
12- In my old book bag that is now my knitting bag. I really need to invest in a knitting bag.
Favorite movie to watch while knitting/crocheting?
13- My cousin vinny, or something funny I really prefer to listen to music most of the time.
Are you a traditional tea cup kind of person or a mug type of person? Do you care if they match?
14- A mug person I dont own a tea cup. Dont really care if they match as long as they are natural and earthy looking.
Favorite childhood birthday party?
15- my third grade slumber party that I made up myself and my mom had no idea and then there were girls at the house all of sudden. It was short notice but mom pulled off the suprise with ease.
Favorite type of scone and jam?
16- I love all breads so ... I love lemon curd, or Strawberry if its the chunky fruity kind.
If you use candles, what is your favorite scent?
17- I love strong sented candles that I can smell thoughout my whole house and I love insence like nag champa etc... I also like apples and cinnmon, pear, and evergreen type smells.
If you could choose 3 people to have 'tea' with, who would they be and why? (famous or not, living or dead).
18- My Grandmother RIP, My Mom, And a party with all of my sisters. Just to talk and share, I dont get to see my family much but I would sure love to have them all over for tea in honor of Grandma.
You've been invited to a tea party, what 'props' will you wear (formal or casual)?
19- Casual/ Natural and a good pair of crocks or similar thats more me.
Any allergies/preferences you have or are willing to admit to?
20- Cats thats about it.. The dander and the fur.. Sorry cat lovers.
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