Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I am so excited I know who my pal is and I cannot wait to spoil you. I even got an e card from my special pal. This is going to be so much fun. I am so looking forward to meting new people and getting goodies from maybe a place I have never been before? I think it being a secret makes it that much more exciting and you never know what your gonna get. I am having a Forest Gump Moment....

On another note my kids made it to school and I so happy for the free time. Its been hard this summer keeping them entertained. We in such a small place with not really a whole lot to do that it really makes it hard to find things that will to appeal to my broad age group of kids. My oldest is 16, Middle is 9, and the youngest is 4. I am currently working on something special for my Hubby, he has been having a hard time at work lately and I want to plan something relaxing and special for him. He is always doing super nice and exciting things for me and I want to pamper him a little bit and let him know how much he means to me. I am getting a special package from him that is coming UPS and I cannot wait to get it. He is so awesome, I have a collection of Ty beanie babies (pluffies) he has been buying for me for the past 2 yrs and I have quite the collection of pets... He always makes it a surprise for me. I get at least 2 a month or every other month depending on our bill situation. I best be off I have a house to clean and lunch to make.
Until next time !!

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