Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thank You....
Hello everyone... I am just taking a few moments to Thank my wonderful family for making yet again more Christmas magic for my kids. We have been facing some things that would have other wise left us feeling not so merry this year. Again Thank you all for thinking of us and loving us. I truly means so much. I hope everyone had a very happy holiday and got all the blessings you deserve. Much love always.. Kimmie
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Goodies Ala Yum Yum
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Poem
I knelt to pray but not for long,
I had much to do.
I had to hurry and get things done..
So I knelt and said a hurried prayer,
And jumped up off my knees ran to grab my keys.
My Christian duty was now done
My soul could rest at ease.....
All day long I had no time
To spread a word of cheer
No time to speak of Christ to friends,
They'd laugh at me I'd fear.
No time, no time, too much to do,
That was my constant cry,
No time to give to souls in need
But at that moment I hit my knees and began to cry.
I went before the Lord,
I came, I knelt with downcast eyes.
For in his hands God! held a book;
God looked into my heart and said,
If I bring you to it, I will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise
Difficult moments, seek
Quiet moments, worship
Painful moments, trust
Every moment, thank
Christ is the reason for Christmas.
Monday, December 8, 2008
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas..

This is one of my favorite
Christmas songs. It never fails to amuse me each time I hear it. This little girl was ten at the time the recording was made. Its been a classic in many school performances and I remember in the first grade learning the song. I secretly still want a hippopotamus for Christmas.. " wink wink" My kids all love the song now too thanks to XM holly radio.. :)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Talking Turkey!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
He Chose Nails

I found this picture and it spoke to me. I would love to read this book. I am going to ask the library to get it for me. But the title struck me, Jesus truly did choose nails. He paid the ransom for us. Its such an amazing gift. I think of all the gifts I could ever give in my life none could measure up to his nail pierced hands and feet. As Christmas approaches and I am faced yet again of what to really buy for my kids that could mean something significant in their lives what could I get, more important what could I give? The whole Christmas machine has become so overwhelming, Its not just a simple celebration of Jesus birth anymore. Its all about who got the best stuff and who can buy the best things. Kids demanding more than the budget allows, Going into debt to provide something that will be forgotten by next year. As It has been getting closer I am finding myself reconsidering everything I thought Christmas might have been about. Do I really need to spend hundreds of forgotten dollars or would it be more meaningful if I made gifts or bought things of need rather than value or pleasure. Does getting the latest and greatest items provide true happiness or is it fleeting? I guess I am feeling I would rather not keep up with what the buyers market is counting on me doing, and find a better way.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
New Bible Study!

I am preparing to take over the next ladies bible study at the chapel. I am very excited for this adventure and look forward to getting in to Gods word as we study who Jesus really is. We will be introducing our selves to the King of Kings. I am still working on the prayer vine and I hope to have it ready by Sunday to pass out, I am trying to encourage prayer and get those who feel led to be a warrior in prayer with me signed up and get this going for our community. I truly feel that prayer is so important and is our free calling card to the most high. I know he answers we just have to call. I am also working on my testimony and have just about finished making all the corrections so that I can share it with the ladies at study and encourage them to write theirs. As Christmas is approaching so fast and the new year will begin before we know it I still have so much I wish to accomplish. I am off to prepare dinner for kids and the hubby. Have a blessed day. until next time.. Kimmie
Monday, November 17, 2008
Happy but Busy
I noticed that I have not blogged since election day! As we all know Obama is the president elect, something I am still unsure about but I have faith that Gods will shall be done. On happier news I am the proud aunt of a beautiful baby girl. I would like to introduce Rowan Faye... She is Amazing and I am so proud. I love my nephews and my new niece so much. I am such a proud auntie. I love being a Mom and I know my sisters are wonderful mom's. I am so blessed to have such a neat family. I could not ever imagine not having my siblings, They are all so special and I love them all so much. I know I do not ever get enough time to tell them how much they all mean to me and how proud I am of my sisters and my brother. They make my square world round. I know that we all can thank Mom for teaching us that we are family and we should stick together and love one another. I hope they know they can count on me should they need anything. I really hope they all know how important they are in my life and I would do anything I could for them. I love you guys... Got a busy day ahead so I am going to run along. Peace and Love Till next Time.. Kimmie
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Waitng for the Snow...

It seems that snow is on its way tonight. If the weather Man is correct then we should see it by 8pm. Also with today being election day I am still waiting to see who our next president will be. The poles will close here in Utah at 8pm. I think its going to be a rather long night for both men. It will however will be nice to know at this point. I feel that this a really important election if Obama wins it will be the first African American in office if McCain wins he will bring the first woman vice president. It will be historic no matter who wins. The polls have closed in some of the key states so I am just waiting the returns. Until next time as we all wait..
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The More I Promised...

Here are a few more pictures as I promised. I hope you can get a better look now.. They Look So Good together. I am so so proud.. " Puffed Out Mommy Feathers."
Halloween was fun and the kids got lots of loot. Ashton fell asleep at the lock in and they posted a huge picture of him at the church asleep straight up in his seat it was so funny. I am waiting for a friend to email the picture to me, When it gets here I will post it. They are getting ready for the Christmas program in Sunday school and both the boys have parts. that means Practice. I am sure it will be fun for them. I still singing the with choir and I love the music this year. Our performance will be on the 7th and the 14th of December. Much Love until Next time..
Friday, October 31, 2008
Kaytlynne and Tyler Masqurade Ball 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Trick Or Treat ...

I am just about ready for all the fun, Got the kids the costumes and they all look great! Tyler is going to his first Dance with Kaytlynne, He is going to be a very well dressed Victorian Vampire and she of course dressed in a old Victorian Vintage Ball Gown. Its going to be so incredible.. I will post pictures once I get them on Friday after the ball. I know they both will look great and have fun dressing up and hanging out with friends. Bray and Ash Are ready for fun too, they are going to make the rounds and pick up that Halloween Loot and dress up as a Ghoul and Aston the Knight. I will be taking them this year around to only those house I know who lives there. I am getting ready to fill up the dish with fruit roll ups for my little visitors. I know I will not have time to get back here until after Halloween so I hope its Safe and fun and Happy for everyone. Much Love till Next time..
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Feeling Blessed.
Here I am with no one home but me. Sometimes I hate the sound of my own thoughts running through my head. I wish I could turn some of them off. In fact I wish I could turn most of the thoughts I am having right now off. Its hard to imagine that I was once so lost. That I really did not know my purpose and how alone I really was. I have such a different life than I thought I would have. I have a husband who really loves me and we are each others best friend. Sometimes I wonder why he loves me? I am not easy to live with ad I have a BA zillion quirks that would drive most people insane. none the less I am still grateful for him. He has changed my life and I cannot fathom what it would be like without him. I am feeling emotional today. I do not think he knows how much he means to me. I cannot find the correct words to ever express it. He is just one of those people I can honestly say " You have changed me in this life". he allows me to be myself, He trusts me, and I him. We both share the same the same faith and have found the difference it makes when you allow God to do his will. God has blessed be in ways I do not deserve sometimes. I look at what he has given me and the peace I now have that God is control and gives me everything I need. I am so glad I listened this time. I should have trusted God long ago. I was afraid that I done so many bad things that I was one of those unforgiven and my life would always be a chaotic mess. I was deceived. I was tricked into believing I could not change, But I have on so many levels, With my family, with my self and my husband. I am still growing and I am not yet done, but with a little faith I think I will be just fine.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Pattern Fun...
When at all possible I plan to buy Handmade items. If of course I do not make them myself. I am getting all my cute ideas ready for this up coming season, I have found adorable fleece hat patterns, My boys are getting those too keep warm this winter, I found another free pattern for Darling fleece pajama bags, I am going to make them and hide new pajamas in them for Christmas Eve. The neat thing is they are super easy and will whip in no time. If time permits and I can find the right pattern I thought of making cute handmade Christmas stockings. But again that is if time permits. I still am working the new baby items for my sisters little one that is due to arrive next month, I cannot wait. I also am busy working on the knotty knit bags I hope to have finished by the end of the month. I have tons of ideas and see so many cute as a button things, I only wish I had the time to devote to making them all. I should be able to finish most of my plans should I not asked again this year to make the costumes for the Christmas cantata. Keeping my fingers crossed. Until Next time.. Kimmie
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008

I have been picking back up the needles again.. I need to take some classes so I can learn to do more than knit and purl. I have thought about posting an ad for some help, I have tried online tutorials and have the basic stitches down as well as casting on and off. I see so many things I dream about making... I look with admiration at all the amazing things I see and all the beautiful yarns and for me I learn best when being taught hands on with a guide. While I understand patterns and can make out what they mean it looks Greek to me when I sit down to try and knit them. I am extremely self critical and my longing for perfection in my work sets me back dramatically. its something I need to work on, I know.. Till Next Time Kimmie
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Kimmie Still Here !!

Its been awhile yet again since my last post many moons ago. I have had my surgery and it was about the most painful thing I have ever had done to me in my life. I had my tonsils removed and my septum fixed and to top it all off my sinus cleaned and cleared out. I had had all this done in one setting. Its been a long recovery process but I am happy to report I feel better than ever. I can breathe and I have energy, I am so glad I had it done. I am very blessed to have so many people who took time out of their lives to be with me and check in on my recovery. I have to thank my Mom and Dad for always being there and my Awesome husband who took amazing care of me. He made sure I had everything I could have needed and more. My kids putting up with me and for being there to listen to me and deal with me when I was hurting. I have to give a special shout out to my adopted in laws for stepping in and caring for my children while I recovered. I love each of you more than I can ever tell you and I Thank you all so very much for everything you give to my life. My birthday was last month and I got a darling apron that my sister made for me. Its so cute and I love it, She is selling them at Glaus bakery in Salt Lake, If you get the chance stop by and pick one up, They are darling. I will have to ask for permission but maybe she will let post a few pictures and I can show off her talents. just noticed the time and I have a busy day planed. I am going to be singing in church for the first time since surgery and I feel out of practice but I have faith that God will not fail me and give my power back to my voice as I help lead praise. It will also be nice to see Bob and start learning our Christmas music as it is right around the corner. More to come soon.. Until next time.. Much love Kimmie
Sunday, March 2, 2008
I know what your thinking..
Greetings, I know that many of you began to give up on me, I have not been on the computer for a long time to blog. I had so much happen between Nov and now. The trauma and Drama never ends or so it seems. As many of my readers know I have had some ear problems for the past year and half and have not really been feeling well, My immune system is tired. They now have me on some medicines that help me. I seem to be doing better other than when I fell and hurt my knee shortly after starting them.I have been behind on just about everything in my life. I have started playing catch up. I have much more to blog about and will do so at another time. I wanted to say Hi to family and friends and I hope to be blog happy soon.
Much Love and God Bless.
Much Love and God Bless.
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